LA ROCHELLE, THE OLD CITY – its old harbour, its steeples, its grand houses, its streets, its markets but also a GREEN CITY – the allees of the Mall, its casino and sea-side, its boats, its marina, its new University Quarter.
The ILE de RE – its bridge, its seaside, its landscapes, its oyster farms, its villages and bell towers, its ports and in particular SAINT MARTIN de RE from where convicts were embarked, its Vauban fortifications, its churches…
The forts of Vauban on the Charente, through the marshes and BROUAGE to ROCHEFORT, a town where the Navy has left traces, the Royal rope factory, the hospital, the Hermione frigate but also the hotel Cheusse and the Huguenots…
Provisional programme (as at Jan 2017):
Thursday, 25th May 2017 at La Rochelle
Friday, 26th May 2017 at Rochefort (Friday and Saturday interchangeable – tbc)
Saturday, 27th May 2017 at La Rochelle
Sunday, 28th May 2017 at Ile de Re
The first event begins at 12.30 at the Mercure Hotel (Vieux Port) on Thursday 25th May with lunch and at 14.00 a tour of the harbour, marina and University Quarter. British visitors arriving by the suggested flights will join the group during the afternoon.