
The objects of the Union are essentially social, in the belief that “closer personal relationship between British and French Architects would benefit education and methods of practice in both countries.” The Union aims therefore to provide opportunities for enjoyable and informal contact between its members and to support appropriate educational activities.

Professional membership is limited to architects of the two countries. The Union also has some distinguished Honorary Members, and links with other professional organisations and individuals where that is mutually beneficial.


Educational Activities 
“The exchange of exhibitions of architectural work between the two countries”.
“The provision of hospitality to architects and students visiting each country”.
“Financial support and other assistance for approved proposals for study”.
“Encouragement of good relationships and interchange between British and French Schools of Architecture”.
Over the last few years British students and young professionals have studied at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, and have attended the Summer School at the Ecole des Beaux Arts at the Palais de Fontainebleau, to visit buildings and to study drawing and allied topics. Others have made tours in France to study specific aspects of French architecture such as XVIIc carpentered roofs, or to study the work of a particular architect.
Most recently cooperation has taken place between the Glasgow Mackintosh and the Palais de Chaillot schools of Architecture in a joint study of a Greek Thomson church in Glasgow.
In the past this work has been supported by the British Council, the French Department of Cultural Affairs and the FBUA.
FBUA activities are validated for Continuing Professional development by the RIBA.

The Franco-British Union of Architects was formed in 1921, as a result, it is believed, of enduring friendships formed during the first World War.

Membership at that time included John W. Simpson (President of the Royal Institue of British Architects), P.Waterhouse (his successor), M.Louvet (President de la Societe des Architectes Diplomes), and other French and British Architects representing Societies and Schools of Architecture.

Since then membership has broadened to include many architects of each nationality who find themselves in sympathy with the objects of the Union.

L’Union Franco-Britannique des architectes fut constituée afin de repondre a l’une des resolutions de la Conference sur L’Education Architecturale, tenue a L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, en novembre 1921, sous la Presidence de M. Paul Leon, Directeur des Beaux-Arts, delegue du Ministere de Tutelle. Cette conference s’est tenue a l’initiative de M.Louvet, President de la Societe des Architectes Diplomes par le Gouvernement, ainsi que M.Simpson, President du Royal Institute of British Architects; M.Waterhouse, son successeur, et par de nombreux Architectes Francais et Britanniques, representant d’importantes Associations ou Ecoles d’Architecture.

Les objectifs de l’Union sont de caractere essentiellement social, selon une volonte fortement affirmee par les delegations en presence, lors de la Conference, en vue de developper des relations personnelles entre Architectes Francais et Britanniques, ainsi que de promouvoir formation et pratique professionelle dans chacune des deux nations. Sa structure est directement liee a cette finalité. Initiative reciproque d’expositions d’oeuvres architecturales Francaises en Grande-Bretagne ou Britanniques en France, en theme de formation; matières à debat d’intérêt professionnel commun; et en particulier developpement des echanges et amities entre les confreres des deux pays, sont les objectifs fonda mentaux de l’Union.

L’administration de l’Union est assuré par deux Comites, l’un Francais, l’autre Britannique chacun ayant son propre sécrétaire. Les Assemblées Generales ont lieu alternativement en France et en Grande Bretagne. Le President est de nationalite Francaise, tandis que le Vice-President est de nationalité Britannique, et inversement chaque année. Les membres titulaires reçoivent leurs inscriptions dans le pays dont ils sont ressortissants. Les membres d’honneur sont en nombre limités. Lors des reunions de l’Union, le travail n’est évoqué que pour de strictes necessitiés. En revanche, on y encourage des échanges informels d’interêt commun, stimulés en sites culturels, architecturaux et urbanistiques, de haute qualité exemplaire.